Wooden House – Bird Feeder

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Wooden House​

Bird Feeder

Handmade wooden house – bird feeder
painted with acrylic colours.

I would like to share this videofor showing a wonderful collaboration with inspiration and love.

It was made by my dad and i painted it.

Enjoy the video.

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Welcome to Koerich

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Welcome to Koerich

through my eyes

Wood painting with acrylic colours.

I post this video to share a beautiful idea for your garden.

You could have your beautiful town, village or neighborhood, painted on wood, in colours of your choices.

And as always, I’ll be back…

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Christmas Decoration

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Christmas Decoration​

Wood painting with acrylic colours.

I post my first video to share a Christmas craft.

Wishes can be written in many languages,
but in this video are in French:
Joyeux Noël, Paix, Amitié,
Joie, Amour, Santé and Bonheur.

And as always, I’ll be back…

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Colorful necklace

new accessory into my gallery!

Colorful necklace

Colorful necklace, made of cloth.
you can wear it short or long, depending on the mood!

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